questions / requests / feedback/ contribute / collaborate / consulting services


questions, blog post requests, and feedback

Fill our the form and I will email you back. I love your requests for blog posts and hearing which posts you love. My favorite emails are when you email me just to introduce yourself - a quick paragraph about you makes my day. It may take up to two weeks for a response to questions, but if you haven't heard from me by then, email me again. If your question requires a lot of time and research that isn't applicable to the general love and the sky audience, I may refer you to the consulting service.



Do you have a product or service you think the love and the sky audience would benefit from? I would love to hear about it.



Got an idea you want to share with the Love and the Sky audience? Would you like to be featured in a Career Profile? Fill out the form with at least a paragraph about you and your potential contribution! This is a very selective process.

love and the sky life + career consulting

One on one time with Elyse designed to help you reach your goals. Fill out the form with the subject "Consulting inquiry" to start the conversation.

  • medical school interview prep - application review, interview prep, attire review, tips learned on the trail

  • residency interview prep - application review, interview prep, attire review, tips learned on the trail

  • personal statement review and critique (premed or medical students)

  • review of your resume and discussion of future plans (for premed or medical students)

Thank you for visiting Love & the Sky!

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with love,

elyse love, MD