Elyse this week - 3

What do you want to see more of ??

You can let me know in the comments section below or via the contact page.

Ask and you shall receive! :)



Brief life update:

  • This week, my cousin and very first friend gave birth to his second daughter (well, technically his wife gave birth). The best part was she was born at my hospital, so I got to stop by before, after, and during work to cuddle her. I usually find babies to be so boring, but she is BEAUTIFUL. I think that's a sign I'm getting old.
  • After three impatient weeks of waiting, my new glasses finally arrived. I've had my old glasses since NINTH grade. These new ones are super trendy, so definitely won't last as long as my last pair, but they were relatively cheap.
  • I'm working on an About Elyse video for you guys - what do you want to know?? Maybe I should add an "Ask Elyse" video series. hmm


Recent purchases:

  • Pilot Juice Gell Ballpoint pen - 0.38 mm - without a doubt the best pen in the game (yes, better than the G2). I got the 12 pack because I wanted black and pastel colors, but Amazon has a variety of packaging offers. The extra-fine 0.38 mm tip is the only size pen I can use on wards. When I was a medical student, I would use black for labs within normal limits, blue for labs that were low and significant, and red for anything abnormally high. I highly recommend this while you're still learning what's normal and what's abnormal. It helps to keep your presentations succinct because you know what to focus on.
  • New glasses from Warby Parker

Articles I'm working on

Let me know what questions you have on these topics so that I can address them, please!

  • About Elyse video
  • Choosing a medical specialty (coming this Saturday!)
  • Choosing a medical school
  • Power couples - when two high achievers fall in love
  • Career profiles - Our career profile is back starting this week! We're starting with Aeriel who is earning her phd in materials engineering at one of the top programs in the country, then my own financial adviser, then two of my favorite residents - dermatology and ENT.
  • My winter skincare routine

 Around the web

Medicine & healthcare

  • I Know You Love Me - Now Let Me Die: Inpatient medicine wards force me to think about death and how I want to die everyday. I have never had a close family member die, so I don't 100% know what it feels like, but as a health professional who has sworn an oath to do no harm to my patient, end of life care becomes morally and ethically very tricky. I highly recommend this article, and I'm currently working on an article encouraging you all to discuss how you want to die with your family. I have taken care of more than one patient in their mid twenties - late thirties who now reside in nursing homes with tubes in multiple orifices. If that's a life you would want, then I support that decision, but if it's not, make it clear to your family. You'll be doing them a favor because it's a really hard decision to make. I'll go more into this in the coming month.
  • There Should Be a Dress Code for Doctors: I'm really interested in your opinion on this guys (both readers in medicine and not in medicine)! On one hand, I understand how important first impressions are, and I realize that I look like a child in scrubs without makeup. On the other hand, I refuse to wear nice clothes to the hospital because, like the article points out, the hospital is full of germs. Not only are nice clothes expensive, but so is dry cleaning!



  • I watched Making a Murderer with two of my coresidents and it is a heartbreaking tale. I have absolutely no opinion on rather or not Steven Avery and/or Brendan Dassey committed the crimes because there was not enough objective, factual information to base such a large decision on. It was infuriating how little the prosecution understood about the meaning of the word "objective" and "scientific." There was professional failure and corruption at every layer of the case. I would love to hear your opinions below. If you haven't seen "The Jinx" on HBO, I highly recommend you watch both of the shows and compare and contrast navigation of our legal system with a high IQ and wealth versus a minimum education and poverty.


Health and nutrition:


Wishing you a beautiful week! Happy to answer any questions below!