Frequently asked questions

Hey guys!! The blog has been around long enough that I've started to get a lot of questions and not shockingly, a lot of people are wondering about the same things (which is one of the reasons I created the blog in the first place!). Below, I've listed the most common topics with go to articles.


what's the point of this site?

hmm. very good question. To be honest, I'm still figuring that out. I initially envisioned it as a place for young professionals to share practical life advice as they learn it, but that turned out to be a dream much too large to create in the few hours that I'm not living out my dream of being a doctor. Originally, I wanted the website to be completely separate from medicine because medicine is an all consuming field and I wanted a little piece of something outside of it -- but the reality is, being a doctor is not a nine to five gig. My title and training as a physician impacts every aspect of my life, and I'm okay with that because I really love my job. This is another reason the original idea didn't work well. The problems, concerns, and joys of a resident are very different than any other entry-level professional job.

So, the website has become a smaller version of what I envisioned - a place for young people in medicine to share career and life advice. What it means to learn and practice medicine is a unique experience to the millennial generation. There are tips on how to do well in medical school, but there are also tips on love, finance, friendship, and fitness. 



love and the sky? huh?

I wasn't 100% sure the site would evolve into when I created it, so I thought I would keep the name vague. I wanted to create a name with no meaning and give meaning to that name - like facebook, google, and goop. So, I named the website after my two biggest inspirations. More on why I chose those two words here.



what's your story?

My career profile will eventually launch, but in short-

My name is Elyse Love, MD (insert Dr. Love joke here). I'm born and raised in Birmingham, Al. I went to University of Alabama for undergrad. I majored in Biology. I also did a small honors program horribly named the "Computer Based Honors Program" because it was developed in the 80s when computers were "the future." I went to Emory University for medical school. I didn't take any time off in between. I'm currently completing my intern year in Bham, but moving to NYC very, very soon to start dermatology training. I'm super excited for NYC, but I'm going to miss my family like crazy.

My boyfriend is a dermatology resident, also. He's super cute and super smart and super sweet and I'm super lucky. Eventually, maybe he'll be less of a nerd and help me with the blog. He's finishing his training in Atlanta so we are long distance, for now.

I'm also obsessed with my friends - for good reason. You can read about Soohee (peds), Alexis (peds), Natalie (ENT), and J (peds) here. They were my inspiration for the career profile series of the blog - where medical students, residents, and young attendings share their personal journey to and through medicine.

In my free time I enjoy working out, taking photos of trees, and watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills/New York. My favorite type of music is hip-hop, and J Cole is my favorite current artist, but Jay-Z is my all time favorite. If I had more money, I would be really into fashion, but loans over loafers.

Want to know more about me? Check out the #lats_lovenotes on instagram (and follow me!)




Any tips on matching?

The matching process is so random, and I am far from an expert on it, but I have written a few posts sharing my opinions on the topic. The "tips to match a competitive specialty" really apply to every medical student. You should all aim for the stars, that way your options are abundant when you make your final decision.

tips to match a competitive specialty - part 1 - timeline

tips to match a competitive specialty - part 2 - components of your eras application

tips to match urology from a urologist (coming soon!)

career profiles



Why did you chose dermatology? Should I become a dermatologist?

why I chose dermatology

choosing your medical specialty



I'm applying to medical school this year..

Components of your medical school application: how to be a competitive medical school applicant

choosing your medical school

applying to medical school - timeline (coming soon)



step 1 advice?

I only did a little better than average on step 1, so I keep my two cents on that topic to myself. In general, I recommend

  1. Talking to people a year ahead of you at your institution that did really well on the exam. They will be your best resource because their baseline knowledge going into studying will be most similar to you (with obvious variations depending on how much you each learned during the preclinical years).
  2. Choose a study plan that you think best fits with your studying style, sleep cycle, etc.
  3. STUDY
  4. uworld is very important. do it twice. no exception.
  5. Take practice tests starting in the second half/last third of your studying style and make them as realistic as possible.
  6. On test day, don't rush it. Plan to be there all day and take your time.

thanks, but that didn't answer my question(s)

email me here - I answer every email I get. Usually the response is, "working on a blog post about that!" because you're probably not the only person wondering.

Keep up to date with new posts by following love and the sky on instagram, facebook, and bloglovin!



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