What's to come + feedback request

Hey guys! I just wanted to take a few minutes to check in to see how you're doing, let you know what things I'm working on, and to ask your opinion on what you want to see next. I'm coming toward the end of my dermatology rotation and preparing to start medicine wards against next month (for the last time EVER), so I really want to know where I should focus my energy. I've gone heavy on the academic posts this months just because those are my most frequently asked questions, but I would like to broaden back out to topics of balance, love, health, and medicine in the coming months!


BTW - follow along on bloglovin so that you don't miss a post!



Series in the works:

  • staying healthy during residency/medical school - interviews with some of the fittest residents and medical students I know (some of which I've met through instagram!)
  • power couples - balancing love and two careers
  • career profiles - dermatology, pediatrics, ob/gyn, psychiatry, urology!
  • elyse's about me and career profile - leave questions below (or email me)!
  • post-match interviews possibly?

What questions do you have?

what do you want to see more of?

Brief life update: This month of dermatology has been wonderful! It's so nice to learn my actual career for a month. Currently, I'm not sure how much educational value there is in intern year or fourth year of medical school. I am very aware of the loss of income/cost of each, however. It will be interesting to see how much this year makes a difference next year when I'm only doing dermatology. I've started filling out paperwork and looking for housing for NY. It's real! I feel like "it's finally here!!" but also "holy crap, where did the time go??" I can't believe some of my friends will be upper levels in a few months! One thing I did realize is blogging will be very difficult over the summer - there's so much to learn in dermatology and blogging takes A LOT of time.

catch up on recent posts!